

Train4Dev, an informal network to harmonise development aid donors' competency building

It is a commonly agreed principle that development aid should be more harmonised, that donors better should set up a good division of labour in order to have better results 'on the ground'. At least in one aspect improvements have been made: in harmonising training of development aid staff. Train4Dev, an informal network of training units of some 30 national or international donors – including LuxDev, is one of the driving forces. On 30 May-1 June they discuss during their Annual Meeting in Brussel how to pass on their message during the 4th High Level Forum on aid effectiveness in Busan.

"Train4Dev was set up in 2003. It tried to bring into practice what was preached to be a better way forward for development aid. We recognised that aid efficiency needs more harmonised training and knowledge management", recalls Gérard Van Bilzen (European Commission), who brought the European Commission almost immediately on board and is now the longest serving participant. The chairmanship of Train4Dev changes every year, during the Annual Meeting. Since May last year it is François Bary (LuxDev).

Train4Dev sets the first steps to harmonise the way development aid workers act together in the field. This was done by bringing together the training units of different donors to discuss this topic, by exchanging experiences and courses, by allowing staff to participate in courses organised by other partners, and by setting up common courses. As such the participants in Train4Dev activities also stimulate the organisation they belong to to implement more harmonisation in other domains of development aid work.

The efforts did get recognition. Train4Dev was present for the 3rd High Level Forum in Accra and is again invited for the 4th Forum in Busan, end of November. There - with the help of the partner organisations – the ambition is to bring the importance of joint learning and knowledge sharing higher on the agenda. Competency and knowledge sharing are indeed preconditions for more effective aid. However, in times of budget constraints, these two domains are often the first victims, as such bringing further progress in jeopardy.

How to achieve this goal will be prepared during the Annual Meeting on 30 May-1 June in Brussel. During that meeting the different sub groups - working among others on Sector Wide Approaches, Managing for Development Results,  Pro-poor Growth, Climate change, Public Finance Management, Public Sector Reform and Effective Electoral Assistance – will indicate their work programme between now and April next year.

How can you participate in Train4Dev ?
This organisation is working on a voluntary base. This means that partners co-finance the activities and allow staff to participate in the Train4Dev activities. This entails among others that a number of staff from other partner organisations can participate for free (apart from travel and residence costs) in the courses organised by the partner donors. Also that you could (be asked to) participate in theme workshops organised by the Train4Dev subgroups.

More on Train4Dev and on the course offers: www.train4dev.net or with your 'local Train4Dev ambassador': François Barywww.train4dev.net

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