
Félicitations au Département Ressources humaines

Mme Laure Belin

Head of Human Resources Department, Lux-Development
« Gestion des personnes harmonieuse et équitable sur les quatre continents, intégrant spécificités culturelles et individuelles, au service du développement humain. »


Kenya to launch Africa's first carbon exchange

Kenya to launch Africa's first carbon Exchange

Kenya is to launch a climate exchange platform to facilitate the trading of carbon credits and help tackle climate change.

The market will be the first of its kind in Africa, enabling all African countries to sell their carbon credits.
The exchange is expected to be open for business by the middle of next year.
Carbon dioxide is one of the main gases causing climate change, scientists say, and such exchanges are one way to offset carbon emissions.
Polluting industries in rich countries pay for clean development projects in poor countries.
Some forecasts warn that Africa will be badly affected by climate change, even though most of the greenhouse gases which cause it are produced in the West and Asia.
One carbon credit is equal to one tonne of carbon dioxide, or in some markets, carbon dioxide-equivalent gases.
The BBC's Kevin Mwachiro in Nairobi says officials hope the trade in carbon credits will open up investment in the generation of renewable energy and forestry projects.
Kenya's government estimates that its largest forest, the Mau, has the potential to earn the country close to $2bn (£1.2bn) a year over the next 15 years.
But our reporter says that before the country runs to the bank, this value would have to be certified by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Original source : BBC News | Science & Environment | 11 November 2010


Forestry Development in Montenegro

Forestry Development in Montenegro
FODEMO preparing for the International Year of Forests 2011

In the wake of the International year of Forests, FODEMO project has been in close contact with the UN to promote the coming year with appropriate visuals and promotion materials.

These include a new letterhead, roll-up’s and t-shirts. The Luxembourg MFA and LuxDev are also working on a conference and Expo to be staged in Luxembourg in 2011 with more partners.

For the time being, we congratulate the project for its excellent work.


Abenteuerurlaub auf Staatskosten?

"Weltwärts" oder "Kulturweit", FSJ, Freiwilligen- oder Zivildienst - das Chaos bei den Auslandsprogrammen zu beenden, gelingt der Bundesregierung nicht. Tausende Jugendliche ziehen damit in die weite Welt hinaus. Manche zweifeln selbst daran, ob ihre Arbeit in Entwicklungsländern wirklich sinnvoll ist.

Nils Bienzeisler heißt jetzt Thabo, auf deutsch heißt das "glücklich". Er hat seinen neuen Namen vom Chef des Dorfes bekommen, so ist es üblich in Lesotho. Vor ein paar Monaten hat er in der Nähe von Bremen Abitur gemacht... Lesen Sie mehr...


Convenio Marco de Cooperación Técnica entre la Agencia de Cooperación de Luxemburgo y la OPS

Managua, 28 de Octubre (OPS/OMS).- La Organización Panamericana de la Salud y la Agencia Luxemburguesa para la Cooperación al Desarrollo, firmaron un Convenio Marco de Cooperación Técnica por el período de un año, para apoyar los esfuerzos del Gobierno Nicaragüense para mejorar la calidad, seguridad y disponibilidad de los productos sanguíneos y los servicios conexos e impulsar líneas de acción de apoyo mutuo en temas relacionados con la transfusión sanguínea. Lo que permitirá que el Ministerio de Salud desarrolle el Programa Nacional de Sangre a través de la creación de la Comisión Nacional de Sangre (CONASA), e implemente un sistema de garantía de la calidad que sea compatible con el Servicio Nacional de Sangre abarcando a todos los centros transfusionales hospitalarios.

Link de la nota publicada en en sitio web de la OPS: http://new.paho.org/nic/