
Concours photos - les gagnants

Avant de vous donner la liste des gagnants du concours photo de Lux-Development 2008, nous tenons à remercier tous les participants pour la qualité des photos proposées. Le choix fut difficile mais comme il faut un classement, voici la liste :

1. Roch Ajavon (NIG/015) - "Trois générations"

2. Anne Bastin (AFR/017) - "Fatou"

3. Apoline Sanou (BKF/012) - "La mariée"

4. Claire Rossignol (ROF/MAN) - "Cent ans de solitude"

5. Ahmed Niampa (BKF/012) - "Ma famille"

6. Viengkeo Simoukda (LAO/412) - "Children riding Buffalo"

7. Fred Rouffe (Géo/CVE) - "Enfance Lao"

8. Sylla Moussa (BKF/012) - "Travaux champêtres"

9. Yann Nachtman (ROF/DAK) - "Cadre familial"

10. Christine Chevalier (NIC/020) - "Le père est en ville"


Villa Hue

Villa Hue is a 12 room boutique hotel and practical training center for the youth from Hue Tourism School. The hotel is located in the center of the city giving it easy access to the beautiful Perfume River and all the cities main attractions.
Guests will experience first hand service from the eager students of the school, some of who are experiencing working in a hotel environment for the first time.

Website : www.villahue.com


Selection process for tourism trainees starts

Mr Somphong Mongkhonvilay (left) briefs Ambassador of Luxembourg to Laos Marc Ungeheuer andworkshop participants on the Lao tourism industry.

Twenty Lao National Tourism Authority (LNTA) officials will be trained as teachers and administrators at a new Tourism and Hospitality Training Centre in Vientiane, officials told a workshop yesterday. Read more...

Souknilundon Southivongnorath
Vientiane Times, November 4, 2008.